For anyone curious, you can watch the 8 Culver Cup finalist films here: https://escape.ai/profile/culvercup

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…thanks for the recap…been experimenting with the tools “because we have to” and it still feels like i am in the phase where this is shiny objects and fun toys…the utility of runway seems more novel than productive…but it is all closer and closer to manageably assistive or replacement level to several aspects of daily production…moving sideways or moving forward?…

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The space often shoots itself in the foot by constantly posting amazing videos that are cherry-picked shots. Some people get angry because 'filmmaking is this easy now?' and people who actually want to try it realize it's not that easy at all.

I think we're moving forwards, but in a sideways direction... which is to say the likely outcome isn’t better films, but entirely new kinds of video entertainment. I don't think this will fit into the traditional production pipeline very well.

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…yeah i see the idea of ai making new art differently more than i think of it as disrupter of the existing norms…

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Mike, great post as always. You and Ian hang in there. Have a good Thanksgiving, K

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These blew me away, I've seen some clips of the free 5 second long ai video schlock but never anything with serious thought put into it.

How much does it actually cost (server fees electricity etc.) to generate this sort of vignette? Pennies? Dollars? Thousands of dollars?

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Great piece! I was also at the festival and impressed by how well the films help up on the massive theater screen.

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