It’s a ‘kilometer stone’ … congratulations

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I wish I had thought of this.

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Looking forward to more! Keep it up!

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The Gioias are good and interesting writers!

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What about reading? Another thing that makes life worth while. I guess you could also say that if you're really reading, reading and writing are the same thing.

This is the first time I read your blog. Looking forward to 1001.

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Reading, certainly, is a great pleasure in life. If not one of the greatest. But it ruined the symmetry of my 3-item list. The real list of pleasures that make my life worth living is much longer. I think I am happier, on average, than Cyril Connolly.

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I see them as a positive feedback loop. Reading makes me want to write more, and enough writing makes me realise I should stop and read up more before continuing.

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What I was thinking was the act of interpretation. When I read something, I need to give meaning to the text by interpreting it, which in itself is like re-writing in your mind what you are reading. But I also agree with you, the more I read, the more I want to write because what I read gives me new ideas.

Thanks for the comment!

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